Ashraf Elsapagh Ashraf Elsapagh
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juslin Romany Michael - Monday Report - week (1)

Monday Report
Full Test Task





Dr\ Ayman' Own Comments

Monday Task*

Model Answer Explanation

*Passage one*

11. B    

it shows how complicated the topic of education being dealt with as an item in the market is

12. D   

13. A 

*note* 👇
The passage is about how education has become an item in a
a market , so every thing has a *MONETARY VALUE*
Look at the *KEY*
" *price* " in choice *A*

14. D

it means accept the matter

15. A

Here, the author is addressing students like *CUSTOMERS*, If edu us like items, be wise to make the best deal of it. Despite the fact that his TONE is against this idea.

16. C

enticing subjects means appealing to students and enjoyable

17. D 

Note: keys
difficult subject refers to how students look for easy material not hard as long as they pay for it

18. A

it shows that dealing with education as item destroys the effectiveness of it

19. C

the graph shows that prices of education are more increasing than others

20. D

the highest increase is in the last year 11-12

21. A

schools now pay more attention to revenue  than any other thing


Passage two
Mark Antony

32. B 

it tells the development pattern of the passage:
Conspiracy to assissinate Caesar, tell people it is for liberty , Antony takes control of the matter, and Clash with Octavius  , the new heir وريث of throne عرش

33. C 

34. B

when they assissinated Caesar, they said it was for liberty and freedom. So, notice the evidence keys "Republic "

35. C

the phrase show how people in the streets were worried

36. C

pay attention to the Question. at first, Antony was loyal and tried to save Caesar, but could not .

37. D

employ =use

38. D

his virtual Heir وريثه
from his sister's side and his nephew, so he is his Relative

39. D

40. B

Evidence shows how unfortunately Antony never expected to have a problem with such young boy who was a politician born boy. واد ابن سياسه

41. A

it means Antony did not estimate the skill of the young boy correctly

best of luck

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